Friday, August 2, 2013

Daylight - "Jar" Album Review

Release Date: April 30th, 2013
Released by: Run For Cover Records

I was very excited to do this review, as Daylight has been one of my favorite bands since I first heard "Sinking", (although I enjoyed "Dispirit" significantly more), and they have been a huge inspiration in my own music since I first heard them.

The opening drums and whining guitar solo at the beginning of the intro track, "Sponge", really set the mood for the theme of the album. The vocal style and choppy guitar rhythms really strike nostalgic values from the 90's, and very apparently draw inspiration from that time period. A lot of bands have been releasing 90's revival albums and I'll be honest, I'm over the fad. But Daylight tops the list of bands doing the 90's thing. It would be safe to say they were one of the first to do it, and do it better than the Title Fight's and Citizen's who appear to just be fitting the mold, not breaking it. This album does a good job of straying away from the style they begun to have on 2012's "Difference in Good and Bad Dreams", which had grunge elements but was still pretty straight forward. "Jar" successfully takes the Daylight we all know and love and blends it with the music we all grew up with. A stand-out track is track 2 "Life in a Jar". To me, this song sounds like a beautiful blend of Daylight, elements of "Siamese Dream" Smashing Pumpkins, and dare I say a little bit of Pearl Jam? Track 5 "Crawl" does the best job at staying true to the old style of Daylight, so hard headed listeners will be happy with this song, which sounds like it could have been a hidden track on "Difference".  As much as I like the album as a whole, there are a few songs that are just too much of a bore for me. Track 11 "In On It", (also the only single released for this album), just sounds like a boring Nirvana cover. I think this track sounds like Title Fight's attempt at 90's revival on their 2012 release "Floral Green". It's just not interesting, and sounds like stuff we've already heard.

However, even with the very few slip ups this album had, in my eyes, it still raises the bar on what 90's revival should be in music today. What made this album stand out to me, was Daylight's ability to stay true to their roots, while still developing and growing as a band. I highly recommend picking this record up, it's definitely going to be a good fall/winter album to jam on the turntable.

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